Board of Directors Approved 10/05/00

September 7, 2000


Present: Fell, McInnis, Forristall, Koch, Robinson, Chesarek, Varady, Anthony, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: King, Goldmann, Bond

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Tree Program - Graybeal/Frisbie/Story

Graybeal presented to the Board a completed report on a three year tree program prepared by Arbor Care. The report identifies every tree, the type of tree, its condition, and location on the course. The three year report includes a budget for each year with a right to terminate at the end of each year by either party.

Koch motioned to accept the proposal from Arbor Care subject to adjustments.

Prorate the price of trees.

Contract to state how Arbor Care expects to be paid (monthly, semi-monthly, quarterly).

Contract to state work to be coordinated with Story.

The 1st year contract to state that approximately 18 Monterey pines and 30 Allepo pine trees will be removed.

GVCC to have a copy of Arbor Care's insurance policy and to name GVCC as the additional insured.

Club attorney to review the adjusted contract.

Forristall seconded, the motion unanimously carried.

Phase I of the tree program will begin in October 2000 through September 2001. Funds will be taken from Story's 2000 budget to cover the first three months of costs. The Board will need to approve the Phase II program which is scheduled to begin September 2001. Story will review his 2001 budget for funds to apply toward Phase II.

Minutes of August 3, 2000

Under "correspondence" an adjustment to Advocates for the Arts request to show one foursome of golf not four foursomes. McInnis motioned to approve as amended, Forristall seconded. The motion unanimously carried.

Treasurer's Report.


Wednesday Night Dinners

Capozzo is working on options to provide better service to the members.

Care & Maintenance of Club Facilities

Robinson would like to have someone on a regular basis inspect the property to insure expectations of the facilities are met.

Membership Sales & Notations

Robinson asked the Board to consider different types of transfer fees and/or a different class of membership(s). The Board referred this to the Membership Committee.

The Board took note of three (3) Notice To Sell Forms and two (2) reductions in price. These notices and reductions will be effective for sale September 8, 2000.

Director Resigns

Sheldon Robinson presented a letter of resignation effective October 1, 2000 as he and Mrs. Robinson are moving out of the area.

Replacement of Resigning Director

Forristall motioned to have the Annual Ballot show which nominee(s) are running for a full term and which nominee(s) are running for the vacant position. The vacant position expires December 31, 2002. The board will then appoint a candidate to this vacant position. Varady seconded, the motion carried 5-2.

Tennis Professional Resigns

Ron Trengove submitted his resignation effective October 7, 2000. He resigned to work for his family's business.


Green: Tree Report

Golf: The committee recommended the Board charge half the fee for single golfers using a cart. During the week any golfer renting a cart without a partner would be charged only $12.00 for eighteen holes. This would be in effect until the end of the year when an audit could be made on the impact of income. The Board referred this request back to the committee for more information.

House: Members of the committee toured the facilities to list items needed to complete the building project. Some furnishing have been selected for the Terrace and Mansion areas. Acoustics will be covered in the committees budget.

Anthony motioned that the committee purchase up to $35,000 for furnishings which they have selected. If their selections exceed $35,000 the committee must have the President's approval. Varady seconded, the motion unanimously carried.

Tennis: A special committee will be scheduled to discuss hiring a new Professional.

Tennis Facilities: Per Lillis' conclusion- remove the staircase to assure no one goes to the observation deck and obtain a permit from the county before repairs are made. The permit will require that the restroom meet ADA requirements. Varady motioned to have Lillis draw preliminary remodel plans, including the final plans in an amount not to exceed $2,600 to put out to bid. Chesarek seconded, the motion carried 5-2.

Membership: The committee recommends that the transfer policy to a son or daughter go to the By-Laws committee to be drafted and presented to the Board.

Social /F&B: Jazz Concert (09/24/00) and Halloween Ball (10/28/00) are being planned.

Pool: The new pool furniture has been delivered and will be stored until next season.

Haunted House

Capozzo requested $1,400 to rent a canvas tent to be used in the Dome Room as a part of the Haunted House. Forristall motioned to approve, Koch seconded. Before the tent is rented, the Board would like Capozzo to see if the enclosed patio could be used instead of renting a tent. The motion carried 4-3 with one abstention. The Terrace or Dome Room bar is to be open for this event.

Annual Membership Meeting

Scheduled for Thursday, October 26 at 6:30 p.m. The Terrace bar is to be closed at 6:30 p.m. and the Banquet Room Bar will not be open.


North Bay Guild: A thank you note to the Board.

Kingsbury: A letter of support and appreciation to President Fell.

Bosom Buddies: A request for one (1) foursome including carts to be used for their fundraiser. Varady motioned to approve, McInnis seconded. The motion unanimously approved.

WGANC: 2nd request for a two day tournament to be held the week of October 13, 2003. McInnis motioned to approve, Varady seconded. The motion failed.

Amended: Varady motioned to approve contingent to the tournament being held on Monday and Tuesday and that it would not conflict with the Pro Am. The motion carried 4-2 with one abstention.

Dice Playing: A member request to resolve the dice playing at the bar while members are dining.

Capozzo: Capozzo gave a response on the two member letters presented to the August Board regarding member concern on the daily operations of the Club.

Nominating Committee

Pat Grace, Gil Walker, Lou Varvello were named. The Board will submit additional names to the Business Office on Friday, September 8, 2000 by noon.

Outside Tournaments

Koch would like the Club to have a member sponsor for all outside tournaments.

2001 Budget

Most department budgets have been submitted. Capozzo should have a complete budget by September 11, 2000.

The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Maurry Koch, Secretary


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